

                                  Memorial Weekend I was inspired to piece a new quilt for my July quilt parade.  There are so many amazing stars and stripes quilt patterns out there I had a hard time deciding what to make, so I made two. First up is Betsy Ross. This is Lifetime Quilt Number 283 The pattern, Betsy Ross, is by Katie Malan Designs.  (available here)  My...


                                  Red and White Bow Tie Quilt

                                  Every year I piece at least one red and white quilt to add to my red and white quilt collection.  For 2024 I decided to piece a traditional quilt block, the good old bow tie block. My bow tie blocks finish at 4 inches I decided 100 was a nice even number of blocks and added a wide border to showcase them. This is Lifetime Quilt...


                                  HST Palooza . . . .

                                  I have to admit to being a little pleasantly surprised by this finish.  I had no vision, pattern or even much direction when I started piecing this quilt top.  I just knew I was in the mood to make blocks made up of 16 half square triangles using only two pieces of fabric, I started with large blocks first.  Size didn't really matter,...



                                  I've made some progress on my goal of making some winter themed quilts this year and I think this may be the last one, for now at least, Spring is just around the corner and I'm ready to play with some colors. This is Lifetime Quilt Number 276 The pattern is Winterberry by Erica Arndt for Erica Made Designs.   It finished at 65" x 71" 360网络加速器下载-...


                                  Memories of a Masterpiece

                                  The first of every month I swap out the majority of the quilts that are out and about in my home.  The beds, a few walls, the banister, the loft, they all get a new look.  I have some quilts that get used year round and are always out, Cooper has two.  It's a fun day and I look forward to it.  But I only piece the tops, I don't...
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